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7 Essential SEO Tips for Real Estate Marketing

Yellow background with a laptop displaying ‘SEO’ and buildings in the background for real estate marketing.

Running a real estate business these days is not like it was before. Back then, a charming smile and a handshake might have been enough to get a client. But now, if you are not dominating the online space, those potential buyers and sellers are passing right by your offerings. The digital world is where we all live now – where real estate SEO and digital marketing are game-changers. If you are a real estate business owner and you have not yet thought of tapping into real estate SEO, you are surely missing out on a great deal of clients. Social media has exploded as a marketing tool, letting you connect on a personal level with potential buyers and sellers. In this blog, we will be looking at 7 essential SEO tips for real estate marketing that will have you reeling in prospects like a pro.

Table of Contents

  1. Things to be prepared beforehand
  2. 7 SEO Tips to Boost Your Real Estate Marketing
  3. Work With a Digital Marketing Company
  4. Conclusion
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

Things to Be Prepared Beforehand

Before you even start thinking of or planning out a roadmap and strategies for real estate SEO you have to be clear and get done with some of the basic things. Here is a quick checklist to get you started:

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Who are you selling to? First-time homebuyers, luxury seekers retirees? Knowing your audience shapes your strategy.

2. Website Audit

Make sure your website is not a boring antic from the 90s. It should be mobile-friendly, fast and easy to navigate.

3. Keyword Research

Find out what words your potential clients are searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can be your best mate here.

4. Content should be your main focus

Today, content is everywhere, whether in the form of visuals or written words. So, you cannot even think of missing out on it. Plan out your blogs, listings, and social media posts.

5. Analytics Setup

Install Google Analytics to track what’s working and what’s not.

7 SEO Tips to Boost Your Real Estate Marketing

1. Own Your Neighbourhood with Local SEO

When people search for properties, they often use terms like “homes for sale in [City]”. Make sure your site is optimised for these local searches. Create content around your locality – think blog posts about the best neighbourhoods, schools and amenities. Don’t forget to claim and optimise your Google Business Profile listing. It’s one of the simplest ways to improve your local search ranking.

Example: If you are operating in Bangalore, write a detailed guide about the best neighbourhoods in Bangalore for families, or the top coffee shops for remote workers. Include plenty of keywords naturally within these posts.

2. Use the right Keywords in the right place

You won’t believe how crucial it is to use the right keywords. You need to sprinkle these throughout your website, blog posts and listings. If you are targeting “luxury apartments in London”, make sure that phrase pops up in your content. But remember, avoid keyword stuffing. It should feel natural and helpful, not forced.

Example: Instead of repeating “luxury apartments in Mumbai” a hundred times, try weaving it into a story about what makes these apartments luxurious and why Mumbai is a top choice for buyers.

3. Quality Content

Content isn’t just about sharing your property listings. You need engaging, informative content that keeps people coming back. Use videos, infographics, and virtual tours. Quality content positions you as an authority in the field and boosts your SEO.

Example: Create a series of blog posts like “10 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers” or “The Current Real Estate Market Trends in 2024.” Include high-quality images and videos to make your content pop.

4. Mobile Optimisation

72% of home buyers start their search online using a mobile or tablet. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you are losing out. Ensure your site looks and works great on all devices. This isn’t just about pleasing your visitors – Google ranks mobile-friendly sites higher.

Example: Test your website on multiple devices to ensure it’s easy to navigate and all features work seamlessly. Fast loading times are crucial, so don’t overload your pages with heavy images.

5. Backlinks

Backlinks from reputable sites are like gold. They tell search engines your site is trustworthy. Reach out to real estate influencers, local bloggers and news sites to get backlinks. Each link boosts your SEO credibility.

Perhaps collaborate with a SEO company to help you building a full fldeged SEO strategy.

Example: If there is a popular local blogger who writes about living in your city, offer to write a guest post for them about the real estate market in the area, including links back to your site.

6. Social Media Integration

Social media is not just for selfies and memes. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn are powerful tools for real estate SEO, especially when you work with a social media marketing company. Share your content, engage with followers and drive traffic back to your website. Use relevant hashtags and geo-tags to increase visibility.

Example: Post a virtual tour of a property on Instagram, using hashtags like #LondonRealEstate and #LuxuryHomes. Engage with comments and direct messages promptly to build relationships with potential clients.

7. User Experience

Your website should be easy to navigate. Fast loading times, clear calls to action and easy-to-find information keep users happy. A good user experience (UX) reduces bounce rates and increases the time visitors spend on your site, both of which are good for SEO.

Work with a web development company to build a professional website and they will ensure your site has a clear menu, well-organised property listings and an easy-to-use contact form. They would also keep a regular check on your site’s speed and fix any broken links.

Work With a Digital Marketing Company

SEO can be overwhelming to tackle on your own, which is why partnering with a digital marketing company can be a lifesaver. Imagine you are a professional real estate agent whose plate is already full of client meetings, property showings and paperwork. The last thing you need is the added pressure of mastering SEO. By working with a real estate digital marketing agency, you can focus on what you do best – closing deals – while they handle the nitty-gritty of your online presence. They keep up with the latest digital marketing trends for real estate and know how to get your site to the top of search results.


The impact of digital marketing on real estate is undeniable. As a business owner, by implementing these SEO tips for real estate marketing, you will position yourself ahead of the competition and connect with more potential buyers and sellers.

Remember, the world is online and so are your prospects. Don’t let them pass you by because they can’t find you. So, grab your coffee, dive into SEO, and if you need a helping hand, feel free to contact us at hello@florafountain.com. Happy selling!

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Local SEO is as important for real estate. Consider including local keywords in your titles, descriptions, and content. Optimise for city-specific searches and build backlinks from local websites.
Yes, but it might be tougher. Competitors with a dedicated SEO strategy might outrank you. Consider partnering with a digital marketing agency for real estate to free up your time and gain a competitive edge.
Start with local content! Blog about neighbourhood trends and upcoming events or highlight local businesses. Offer free downloadable guides like “The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Home in [Your City].” Repurpose content across platforms (video, social media) to maximise reach.
A successful SEO strategy for real estate marketing focuses on two key areas: attracting qualified leads and improving your website’s ranking in local search results for relevant keywords.

The founder and partner of Flora Fountain, Shefali leads the Content and Technology divisions. A one-time engineer who started her career writing front-end code, she took a detour sometime during her 9 years in New York, studied journalism and started writing prose, poetry and sometimes jokes. She now has 15...

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