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YouTube Marketing Strategies for Increased Brand Awareness

Behind-the-scene of YouTube Shoot with Text “YouTube Marketing”

Imagine you’re browsing YouTube and come across a 15-second video ad that grabs your attention right from the start. The visuals are stunning, the message is clear and before you know it, you’re thinking about that brand for the rest of the day.

Then you skip that ad and watch the video you wanted to. And in the middle of the video, you are recommended a particular brand.

You go on Google to just check that brand out.

The next time you are talking to a friend or colleague and there’s some conversation— you casually recommend that brand because you had already heard about it in a YouTube video.

So now that colleague or friend of yours also knows that particular brand you were talking about.

That’s how YouTube marketing is helpful for brand awareness. But, how do you exactly do Youtube marketing for your brand?

Here are some strategies to help you with the same.

Table of contents

1. Creating Fun Content On Brand’s Own Youtube Page

At the core of any successful YouTube strategy is the content itself. When you’re trying to build brand awareness for a business—try creating memorable, shareable videos that resonate with your audience.

Don’t worry if you have no clue about what type of content to create. You can easily figure that your with research. All you have to do is what other YouTube channels in your industry are doing. You can also take a look at your direct competitor’s page. You can easily find topics to talk about on other YouTube channels related to your industry. Or simply find the YouTube channels of your direct competitors and see what they are doing.

But please make sure the content should align with your brand’s tone. For example, if your brand is a finance company whose tone is friendly and caters to a young audience — You can create a video on “That Friend Who Always Talks About Investments” and subtly show that friend talking about your app for investing.

To drive brand awareness, focus on content that aligns with your brand’s identity and speaks directly to your audience’s needs or interests. In India, where consumers are highly active on YouTube, videos that provide value—whether through entertainment, education or problem-solving—are more likely to leave a lasting impression.

Here are some common content buckets that you can use to come up with content ideas for YouTube marketing.

  • Explainer Videos: Show how your products or services solve a particular pain point. This positions your brand as a solution provider and builds awareness around what you offer.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Take your audience into the world of your brand. Showing the human side of your business creates a personal connection, which enhances brand recall.
  • Brand Storytelling: Create a video that tells your brand’s journey. People remember stories and a well-crafted narrative can significantly increase brand awareness.

2. Optimise Videos for YouTube Search to Increase Visibility

Creating excellent content is just the first step. If you want your videos to build brand awareness, they need to be discoverable.

This is where YouTube SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) comes into play. Because guess what? YouTube is not just a video platform.

It is actually the largest search engine after Google. Hence, optimising your videos for search helps you reach new audiences who might not know about your brand yet.

Here’s what to optimise so that your YouTube video comes first when someone is searching for something related to that video on YouTube.

a) Titles with Keywords

Use relevant keywords in your video titles that reflect what your audience is searching for. For instance, if your brand is in the skincare industry, a video titled “How to Treat Acne with Natural Skincare Products” could bring in viewers who are actively looking for skincare solutions.

b) Descriptions

Write detailed descriptions that not only explain the video but also weave in keywords related to your brand and offerings. This improves your chances of appearing in YouTube’s search results and can even land you on Google’s search pages, expanding your brand’s reach.

You can learn more about keywords from a peer working at a SEO company.

c) Tags and Thumbnails

Include relevant tags and create attractive thumbnails to get more clicks. Show a person in the Thumbnail as it builds trust and convinces people to watch your videos.

Additionally include a catchy copy in the thumbnail that sparks curiosity. A graphic designer working in a social media marketing agency will be able to tell you more about this.

3. Leveraging YouTube Ads for Targeted Brand Exposure

Paid advertising on YouTube is an excellent way to boost brand awareness quickly. Unlike organic methods, YouTube Ads allow you to target specific demographics, interests and behaviours, ensuring that your content is seen by the right audience—people who are likely to resonate with your brand.

Here’s how different types of YouTube ads can enhance brand awareness:

  • Skippable In-stream Ads: These skippable ads let viewers choose whether or not to engage with your content, which means that when they do, it’s often a sign of genuine interest. These ads allow you to showcase your brand’s message without being intrusive, leading to better recall and recognition.
  • Non-Skippable In-stream Ads: Since these ads require viewers to watch the entire message, they’re ideal for brand awareness campaigns where you want to ensure your brand’s name and message stick. However, it’s crucial to make them engaging and relevant to avoid viewer frustration.
  • Bumper Ads: These short, 6-second ads are perfect for delivering a quick brand message that’s memorable. Since they’re non-skippable, bumper ads are a great way to repeatedly expose viewers to your brand, increasing awareness through repetition.

4. Collaborate with YouTube Content Creators to Amplify Brand Reach

YouTube influencers often have a dedicated audience that trusts their opinions. When an influencer recommends your product or service, it feels more authentic than traditional advertising.

This trust translates to greater awareness and recall for your brand.

Additionally, YouTube influencers already have a huge audience. So working with influencers whose audience matches your target market, you can introduce your brand to a new and engaged community without having to build that following yourself.

Plus, influencers can create content in a way that feels less like an ad and more like a natural part of their video. This subtle form of promotion often leads to higher engagement and deeper brand recall.

For example, a fitness brand could collaborate with a popular fitness YouTuber to feature its products in workout videos. The followers of that YouTuber are more likely to notice and remember the brand because it’s presented in a context they trust.

You can also create a whole series featuring influencers to build anticipation and excitement.


YouTube’s marketing strategy demands more effort but is worth it in the end. And don’t get discouraged if you don’t get views in the beginning.

Just keep going. Create engaging videos that align with your brand’s identity and use YouTube SEO to boost discoverability. Complement this with strategic advertising—whether through skippable or non-skippable ads and impactful bumper ads—to reach and resonate with your target audience.

Collaborate with influencers to further amplify your reach.

Once you start implementing these strategies one by one, you will soon increase brand awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions

YouTube boosts brand awareness by putting your content in front of a huge audience. With engaging videos, smart SEO, targeted ads and influencer collaborations, your brand gets noticed and remembered.
Absolutely! YouTube is perfect for marketing. You can create captivating content, run targeted ads and team up with influencers to really make your brand stand out.
Definitely. YouTube’s massive reach and varied audience make it a top choice for marketing. It’s great for building brand awareness with engaging videos and precise ad targeting.
Focus on content that matches your brand’s vibe—like explainer videos, behind-the-scenes glimpses or storytelling. This helps you connect with your audience and keeps your brand top of mind.
Partnering with influencers introduces your brand to their dedicated followers and gives you authentic promotion. It’s a powerful way to engage new audiences and enhance brand recall.

Vasim Samadji is a partner at Flora Fountain, where he leads the Business and Marketing Strategy divisions. He is a seasoned professional with an MBA in marketing and over a decade of experience working with multiple MNCs. Vasim is a firm believer in the power of creation and he is...

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