Fact 2: Facebook clocks over 4 billion video views on its platform every day.
Fact 3: Over 70% consumers prefer learning about a product or service via a video than text.The reason we’re dropping these mind blowing facts right at the start is to let you know how important video content has become for marketing in just a decade.Earlier, consumption of video content was a luxury of sorts, as it required one to have a strong internet connection and a streaming device of higher quality. But with smartphones becoming cheap and data cheaper, the addition to the consumer base has been massive, something which brands and service providers have to take a note of and create content accordingly. Here’s a look at the types of video content you can create to market your products/service digitally and reach out to large swathes of people online.
1. Testimonials
One of the best ways to convince the viewer that your product or service is the best, is by getting the good word out through true user testimonials. While people still “write” reviews, brands have now got their happy customers to provide them with a video review, a testimonial where they talk about their experience with the brand or the product and why they’d recommend it to others too.
When we see a real person talk to us about anything, we tend to believe more. So brand marketers must include this in their video marketing strategy for social media.

2. Tutorials
(Guiding the viewer on how-to, whether is it using a product, learning a workout or how to bake) Engagement with the viewer is one of the best ways to reach out and promote one’s services to them. And tutorials are the perfect way to get people hooked and eventually convert them into paying customers.
When a viewer gets value from the video content it consumes from a brand, like hacks on how to use their product better, easy to do workouts from home (PS: they were a rage during the lockdowns last year) or tips on how to bake a cake at home, its loyalty to the brand increases and it develops a feeling of obligation towards to the brand that they must purchase their product/services for higher sense of satisfaction.
3. BTS
Everyone loves a juicy gossip. And BTS, or Behind The Scenes videos are kinda the same thing which brands can create, to deepen their connect with the viewer/consumer. A BTS is always published after the actual content is published and promoted. A BTS is a way of giving the viewers a sneak peek into what went behind the curtains in creating the video which they loved. While influencers usually post their unseen BTS videos shot using their personal devices, nowadays brands too create special BTS footage, as apart of their video promotion plan.

4. Unboxing
Oh, the joy of unwrapping the brand new mobile phone you ordered last week and got delivered today, it’s unmatchable. It gives us a different level of serotonin rush when when we unbox something we’ve been long waiting for. And brand marketeers have understood and begun exploiting this feeling among us to sell us their products through well shot unboxing videos.
There’s no rocket science behind it. It’s simply someone opening a box of, say, cookies, or a brand new laptop from its packaging. But when one sees it, it develops a feeling within them to experience it for real, which eventually triggers and pushes us to order it. A simple search on YouTube or Instagram for unboxing or unwrapping videos will throw up thousands of such videos, but beware, by the end of it, your wallet might get a little lighter.
Ever since the the livestreaming feature was launched by Facebook for both Facebook and Instagram in India in 2016, people have lapped it up and have been having fun with it, giving their friends and followers a sneak-peek into their lives.
So brands too didn’t let go of the opportunity. Live gives the brands a human form. So far, consumers would identify a brand through its logos and products.

But with the Live feature, brands can use their Instagram, Facebook or YouTube channels to introduce the people behind it and as a result it makes it more human.
There are many ways to use the Live Video feature creatively. You can live stream the launch of a new product or service, you can have a live interactive session with your followers who can ask you questions in real time and get them answered. Or even do an unboxing session live (yeah, we know it’s a great idea, thank us later).
With so many ways to use videos as your tool to promote your services and products on social media, it’s time you pick up that camera, put on your filmmaker’s hat amd go nuts with videos.
Check out some of the cool video content we at Flora Fountain create for ourselves and our brands here.